Collaboration between Okonomiyaki Harajuku “Yaiyai” and Shin Ramyun!

Japan’s Seoul Food’s “Okonomiyaki” and Korea’s Seoul Food’s “Shin Ramyun” are collaborating for a limited time!

2024-07-25 14:20 출처: Operation Factory Co., Ltd.

TOKYO--(뉴스와이어)--Operation Factory Co., Ltd.:

This taste is Addictive!

At “Yaiyai”, an okonomiyaki restaurant in Harajuku operated by Operation Factory Co., Ltd., a special menu in collaboration with “Shin Ramyun” will be served for a limited time.

Scheduled period: from July 22 to August 31

Shin Ramyun Okonomiyaki JPY1,680 (JPY1,848 with tax)

This is a hot collaboration menu perfect for the hot season, combining spicy noodles, cheese, and okonomiyaki.

The first 100 people who order the special menu will receive one “Shin Ramyun” as a gift!

Please visit us when you are sightseeing in Japan!

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